Everyone, you need call your represenatives and tell them to vote NO to the health care bill. Here is what your are not being told. First, this is not a health care bill. It does nothing to improve health care. It will hurt health care. It is a governmental take over of the health care system.
Look at Massachusetts where the democrats keep telling you it is working. Guess what. It is costing them substantially more than expected. The CBO numbers released on Thursday show that the bill helps reduce the deficit. Well, the bill also includes a take over of student loans. Yes it has nothing to do with health care, but it is in there. That is where the money comes from that helps reduce the deficit. It is implying all loans being paid back with interest.
Also, the figures are based on a immediate tax increase but the plan doesn't kick in for another 4-6 years. That means you are going to be paying 10 years for 4-6 years of outcome. Why not look at the cost after 20 years... your are 4-6 years in the red.
The bill is unconstitutional and will be in the Supreme Court. That means that you start paying taxes immediatly and then when the Supreme court says it is unconstitutional your taxes will be used for things other than health care.
Insurance is a privilege, not a right. The Democrats keep saying that people cannot get health care. The fact is that if you are having a heart attack and call an ambulance do they ask you if you have insurance or a credit card? No they come and administer care. If you walk into a hospital with a broken arm, they cannot turn you away because you do not have the money to pay. It is against the law and they could be fined $50,000+ for doing that.
Doctors do not want this. Despite what Obama wants you to thing, they do not want it. I work for anesthesiologist and government insured patients account for close to 50% or more of their business but is less that 20% of their income. You think that doctors make a lot of money, but they do not make near the amount that most people think.
Most people (including me until I started working with doctors) only think about what a doctor charges. Well, think about this. Doctors charge a higher fee than they would like to. Why? The government insurance plans pay about 10-20% of the amount. They have to make the difference somewhere. Insurance companies take a discount. The higher the fee, the higher the discount, the higher the reimbursement. If you have no insurance, most doctors will give you a discount if you ask.
Why don't they give you a discount if you have insurance? Lets say you have a bill for $100 and you have insurance and doctor has a contract with your insurance carrier they take a 20%. $80 is the allowed amount. Now say you have a plan with a 20% coinsurance. The insurance company will pay $64. You now owe the remaining $16 to the doctor. If the doctor writes that off, they are supposed to report that to the insurance company and then they would have to give the insurance company the same % amount which would be an additional 16%. So now what that doctor bill $100 for, if you make your copay they collect $80 but if they write off your 20% copay they then only collect $51.20. That $16 discount turned into $28.80. On a $1000 bill that $160 write-off turns into $288.
Now lets look at other reasons the charges are so much. How many other professions do you start out several hundred thousand dollars in debt? Doctors have huge bills. They have continuing education. They have enormous malpractice premiums. And in the case of my physicians, their business is at the mercy of other physicians.
If this is such a great plan, how come some many Americans are against it? How come there is not a single republican for it? How come are there all kinds of back-room deals being done to convince democrats to vote for it? Why is there already new revisions to be voted on after is passes? Why can't they be in the bill? If it is important then why is it taking 4-6 years to even start?
Finally pre-existing conditions and mandatory enrollment. Why do insurance companies deny pre-existing conditions? For the same reason that you cannot get insurance on your house once it is on fire or get auto insurance after being in an accident. Insurance is something that you pay for in hopes that you never need it. How can the government also require you have insurance? There is no difference in making you have health insurance than them telling you that you can only drink milk anymore because it is good for you. (Yes some states require you to have auto insurance but that is liability insurance to protect others not you.)
Please, call you Representative and make sure that they know that you do not want this bill. We need health care reform, not governmental takeover!!
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